The Ultimate RHCE Cheat Sheet

Published On: 4 February 2025


For Linux system administrators, the Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) certification is a highly esteemed credential. To obtain this certification, one must have a firm grasp of a variety of Linux concepts and abilities. This cheat sheet covers everything from basic information to expert system management, giving you a quick reference to key commands and techniques. This guide will help you effectively navigate through the complexities of Linux administration, whether you're polishing your abilities or preparing for the exam. Let's get started!

Basics: Essential Linux Commands

File Management

  • ls: List directory contents
    ls -l   # Long listing format
    ls -a   # Include hidden files

    The ls command displays the contents of a directory. Options like -l and -a enhance the output to show detailed information or include hidden files.

  • cp: Copy files and directories
    cp source_file target_file
    cp -r source_dir target_dir

    The cp command duplicates files or directories. Use the -r flag for recursive copying of directories.

  • mv: Move or rename files and directories
    mv old_name new_name

    The mv command renames a file or moves it to a different location.

  • rm: Remove files or directories
    rm file
    rm -r directory

    The rm command deletes files or directories. Use -r for recursive deletion of directories.

Text Processing

  • cat: View file contents
    cat file.txt

    The cat command displays the content of a file. It can also concatenate multiple files.

  • grep: Search text in files
    grep 'pattern' file.txt

    The grep command searches for a specific pattern in a file and prints matching lines.

  • awk: Process and analyze text files
    awk '/pattern/ {print $0}' file.txt

    The awk tool scans files line by line, applies patterns, and performs specified actions, such as printing matched lines.

  • sed: Stream editor for text replacement
    sed 's/old/new/g' file.txt

    The sed command edits streams of text, replacing occurrences of a pattern with a new string.

User Management

  • useradd: Add a new user
    useradd username
    passwd username

    The useradd command creates a new user. The passwd command sets or updates their password.

  • usermod: Modify user information
    usermod -aG groupname username

    The usermod command modifies a user’s properties, such as adding them to a group.

  • userdel: Delete a user
    userdel -r username

    The userdel command removes a user. Use the -r option to also delete their home directory.

Intermediate: Networking and Services

Networking Commands

  • ip: Display or manipulate IP addresses and routes
    ip a
    ip link set eth0 up

    The ip command manages network interfaces, addresses, and routing tables.

  • ping: Test network connectivity

    The ping command sends ICMP packets to a host to verify connectivity and measure latency.

  • netstat: Display network connections
    netstat -tuln

    The netstat command lists active network connections and listening ports. Use the -tuln flags for a concise view.

SSH and Remote Access

  • ssh: Secure shell for remote login
    ssh user@remote_host

    The ssh command establishes a secure, encrypted connection to a remote machine.

  • scp: Securely copy files between systems
    scp file user@remote_host:/path

    The scp command transfers files between systems securely using SSH.

Firewalld Management

  • firewalld: Manage firewall rules
    firewall-cmd --add-port=80/tcp --permanent
    firewall-cmd --reload

    The firewall-cmd utility configures and manages firewalld rules dynamically and persistently.

  • iptables: Legacy firewall management
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

    The iptables command manages packet filtering rules for network traffic.

Advanced: System Administration

SELinux Management

  • semanage: Manage SELinux policies
    semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 8080

    The semanage command modifies SELinux settings, such as mapping services to ports.

  • getsebool / setsebool: Get or set SELinux booleans
    getsebool httpd_can_network_connect
    setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on

    These commands retrieve or set SELinux boolean values that control specific policy behaviors.

Storage and File Systems

  • LVM Management:
    pvcreate /dev/sdb
    vgcreate vg_name /dev/sdb
    lvcreate -L 10G -n lv_name vg_name
    mkfs.ext4 /dev/vg_name/lv_name
    mount /dev/vg_name/lv_name /mnt

    Logical Volume Manager (LVM) commands create and manage physical volumes, volume groups, and logical volumes for flexible storage management.

  • df and du: Disk Usage
    df -h    # Show disk space usage
    du -sh * # Show size of files and directories

    The df command reports file system disk space usage, while du calculates directory or file sizes.

System Performance

  • top / htop: Monitor Processes

    These commands display real-time system performance metrics, including CPU, memory, and processes.

  • free: Check Memory Usage
    free -m

    The free command shows memory usage, including free and used RAM and swap space.

  • iostat: Monitor I/O Performance
    iostat -x 1

    The iostat command provides statistics on CPU usage and input/output performance.

Automation with Ansible

  • Playbooks: Define Automation Tasks
    - name: Install Apache
      hosts: webservers
    - name: Install httpd
      name: httpd
      state: present

    Ansible playbooks are YAML files that define a series of automation tasks for system configuration and deployment.

  • Ad-hoc Commands: Quick One-liners
    ansible all -m ping
    ansible webservers -a "/bin/echo hello"

    Ad-hoc commands allow you to execute tasks on managed nodes without creating a playbook.

System Logs and Monitoring

  • journalctl: Query System Logs
    journalctl -u httpd.service

    The journalctl command retrieves logs from the systemd journal, filtering by service or other criteria.

  • logrotate: Manage Log File Rotation
    cat /etc/logrotate.conf

    The logrotate utility automates the rotation, compression, and deletion of log files.

Intermediate: System and Network Management

    Process Management:

    • ps: Display Information About Running Processes
      ps aux     # List all processes with details
      ps -ef     # Show full format listing of processes

      The ps command displays information about running processes. It can be used to find resource-hogging processes or troubleshoot performance issues.

    • kill: Terminate Processes
      kill        # Kill a process by its PID
      kill -9     # Force kill a process

      The kill command is used to terminate a process by its PID. Use -9 for a more forceful termination.

    • nice / renice: Adjust the Priority of a Process
      nice -n 10 command  # Start a command with a lower priority
      renice -n -5   # Change the priority of an existing process

      The nice and renice commands change the priority of processes, helping to optimize system resource utilization.

Advanced: Networking and Security

    Network Interface Management:

    • nmcli: Manage NetworkManager From the Command Line
      nmcli connection show    # Show all network connections
      nmcli connection up eth0 # Activate the network interface eth0

      The nmcli tool interacts with NetworkManager to configure network connections, allowing you to manage both wired and wireless connections.

    • ip addr: Display and Manipulate IP Addresses
      ip addr show    # Show IP address information for all interfaces
      ip addr add dev eth0  # Add an IP address to an interface

      The ip addr command is used to view and configure network interface IP addresses.

    Firewall Management (Advanced):

    • firewall-cmd: Manage Firewall Rules With firewalld
      firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http --permanent  # Allow HTTP in the public zone
      firewall-cmd --reload    # Apply the changes

      The firewall-cmd tool interacts with firewalld to configure and modify firewall rules dynamically.

    • iptables: Configure Legacy Firewall Rules
      iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT  # Allow HTTP traffic
      iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4    # Save iptables configuration

      The iptables tool provides low-level control over firewall rules for network traffic filtering.

Advanced: SELinux and Security

  • SELinux Management:
    • getenforce / setenforce: Get and Set SELinux Mode
      getenforce       # Show the current SELinux mode
      setenforce 0     # Set SELinux to permissive mode
      setenforce 1     # Set SELinux to enforcing mode

      getenforce shows the current SELinux mode, and setenforce changes the mode between enforcing and permissive.

    • seinfo: Display Detailed SELinux Information
      seinfo -s   # Show SELinux policy info

      The seinfo command helps to analyze the SELinux policy and provides detailed information on its settings.

    • audit2allow: Generate SELinux Policy Module to Allow Actions
      audit2allow -a   # Show potential rules based on audit logs
      audit2allow -a -M custom_module   # Generate a custom module

      This command helps identify and allow denied actions by generating SELinux policy modules.

Advanced: Storage Management

  • RAID Management (mdadm):
  • mdadm --create /dev/md0 --raid-devices=2 --level=1 /dev/sda /dev/sdb   # Create a RAID 1 array
    mdadm --stop /dev/md0    # Stop a RAID array

    The mdadm command is used for managing software RAID arrays on Linux.

  • XFS Filesystem Management:
    • xfs_growfs: Expand an XFS Filesystem
      xfs_growfs /dev/mapper/vg_name-lv_name

      xfs_growfs expands an XFS filesystem to use additional space on a logical volume or partition.

    • xfs_repair: Repair an XFS Filesystem
      xfs_repair /dev/sdb1    # Repair an XFS filesystem on a partition

      This command is used to fix any corruption in an XFS filesystem.

Advanced: System Performance Monitoring

    Sysstat Tools (iostat, mpstat, pidstat):

    • iostat: Monitor CPU and I/O Statistics
      iostat -x 1   # Show extended stats for I/O devices

      The iostat command helps monitor system input/output statistics and CPU utilization.

    • mpstat: Monitor CPU Usage Across Multiple Processors
      mpstat -P ALL 1   # Display statistics for all CPUs every 1 second

      mpstat shows CPU performance, including individual CPU usage.

    • pidstat: Display Statistics for Individual Processes
      pidstat -u 1   # Show CPU usage for each process

      The pidstat tool displays various performance statistics for individual processes, including CPU usage, memory, and I/O statistics.

Advanced System Monitoring

  • atop: Advanced System and Process Monitor
    atop    # Monitor system resources in real-time
    atop -r /path/to/logfile   # Replay historical system stats

    atop provides an advanced view of system performance, including real-time process monitoring.

  • sar: Collect, Report, and Save System Activity
    sar -u 1 3    # Report CPU usage every 1 second, 3 times

    sar provides system activity reports and is part of the sysstat package.

Advanced: Automation with Scripts and Ansible

  • Shell Scripting:
    • For Loop in Bash
      for i in {1..5}; do
          echo "Processing file $i"

      This loop processes a series of files or tasks, automating repetitive operations.

    • If-Else Condition in Bash
      if [ -f "/path/to/file" ]; then
          echo "File exists"
          echo "File does not exist"

      This conditional statement checks for the existence of a file and executes commands based on the result.

  • Ansible Advanced Features:
    • Playbook Example for Apache Installation
      - name: Install Apache on webservers
        hosts: webservers
        become: true
      - name: Install Apache package
        name: httpd
        state: present
      - name: Start Apache service
        name: httpd
        state: started
        enabled: yes

      This Ansible playbook installs and starts the Apache web server on the specified hosts.

    • Ansible Roles: Creating a Role in Ansible
      ansible-galaxy init my_role  # Initialize a new role

      Ansible roles help structure complex playbooks by organizing tasks, handlers, templates, and other files into reusable units.

Exam Tips

  • Understand the Exam Objectives: Learn the official RHCE exam objectives. To increase your confidence and proficiency, go over each topic in detail and practice related tasks regularly.
  • Set Up a Virtual Lab: Create a virtual test environment to experiment and practice system configurations, troubleshooting, and other exam-related tasks. This practical experience is crucial for real-world situations.
  • Master Time Management: The RHCE exam is time-sensitive, so practice time management. Make sure you allocate sufficient time to each task and avoid getting stuck on challenging problems.
  • Use Available Documentation: If allowed, use man pages, help commands, and other built-in documentation. Knowing how to access and use documentation during the exam can help troubleshoot and solve issues more efficiently.
  • Develop Your Troubleshooting Ability: Have a solid troubleshooting approach. Practice diagnostic commands, analyze system logs, and test solutions to resolve problems in real-time. This skill is essential for both the exam and daily system administration.
  • Remain Calm Under Pressure: Staying composed is essential during the RHCE exam. Don’t let time restrictions or unexpected issues overwhelm you. Focus on the task at hand, think logically, and move on if you’re stuck for too long.


You can rapidly refer to the important commands, tools, and ideas necessary for Linux administration with the aid of this RHCE cheat sheet. You'll be prepared to tackle challenging system management duties and confidently take the RHCE exam if you master these abilities. This cheat sheet is a great tool whether you're managing daily Linux systems or preparing for certification. Keep refining your abilities and practicing—you can succeed in RHCE!